Your dwelling lease details your obligations as a tenant and BHA’s obligations as a landlord. It will also include your rent amount and approved household members. The lease includes rules regarding occupancy of your apartment, the conduct of your guests and how long visitors may stay with you.
Your manager will give you a copy of your lease. If you live in a mixed finance development, your lease will be different from the standard BHA lease.
Your primary obligations as a tenant are to pay rent on time, respect the rights of your neighbors to live quietly in their apartment, only allow those approved by BHA to live in the unit, not engage in criminal activity or allow others living in or visiting the unit to do so, do not damage your apartment or the property, and accurately report on income/family composition.
BHA must maintain the apartment up to code regulations, make and requested repairs, ensure your neighbors comply with their lease obligations, adjust your rent based on any changes to your income or household composition, and process requests for reasonable accommodation.