The Beaumont Housing Authority is a tax exempt unit of local government formed by the Beaumont City Council in September 1941 to provide decent, safe, and sanitary housing for low to moderate income families. The Board of Commissioners is appointed by the mayor and consists of Beaumont residents who volunteer their time and energy to achieve a common goal.
BHA operates as a completely separate entity from the City. Its operating guidelines are established by the State of Texas with program regulations established by Congress and enforced by the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development. The primary source of funding for program operations comes from HUD in the form of rental assistance payments, operating subsidies and grants. Another portion of funding comes directly from the rent that participants pay each month.
BHA serves almost 3,000 families with affordable housing opportunities in and around our region. We own and manage 642 affordable rental housing units. We own an additional 705 units of non-federally-subsidized affordable units through our public/private mixed finance portfolio. Lastly, BHA administers the Housing Choice Voucher Program, which provides rental assistance to private landlords throughout the region for more than 1,600 families.